Give to DA

Ways to Give

Denver Academy strives for excellence in educating and advocating for a diverse group of learners. Our generous community of parents, faculty, staff, grandparents, board members, alumni, and friends makes student success a reality. Thank you for your help in achieving this mission.
As an independent school, Denver Academy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and receives no federal, state, or local financial support from taxpayers. A DA education requires supplemental funds beyond tuition to provide the exceptional level of support that helps students thrive. We rely on the time, talents, and financial contributions of every community member to help make each year a success for our students.

Annual Giving: The Fund for Denver Academy

List of 3 items.

  • Time Frame

    You can make Annual Fund gifts any time and they are tax deductible.
  • What It Is

    Annual gifts to The Fund allow Denver Academy to direct dollars to the greatest need for the current school year from teacher salaries to WiFi.
  • What It Provides

    • Teacher salaries and benefits
    • Classroom resources and teaching tools
    • Educational technology and equipment
    • Continuing education for faculty
    And so much more!

Planned Giving - DA Legacy Society

List of 3 items.

  • Time Frame

    Planned gifts can be created at any time and at any age. They often only take a few minutes to set up.
  • What It Is

    Assets, such as cash, equity, or stocks that you document to give in the future or post-humously. Join those who have listed DA as a beneficiary in their will, living trust, or retirement account. Those who have given planned gifts to the school are members of the Denver Academy Legacy Society and are celebrated at a special event each year.
  • What It Provides

    A lasting legacy and the promise of a strong future for Denver Academy.

    DA friends have also made planned gifts through required minimum donations from IRAs and other retirement vehicles. For our supporters over the age of 70 ½, consider supporting DA’s mission and reducing your tax liabilities through a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). We would love to talk to you about this opportunity to make a difference for our students. Contact Director of Development Michael McNeill for more information.

Endowment Giving & Named Funds

The Denver Academy Endowment Fund provides long-term support for our school to ensure programmatic excellence, innovation, and sustainability. Scholarship Endowment Funds are also a vital resource for students who need tuition assistance to attend Denver Academy. If you would like information about endowment opportunities, contact Michael McNeill for details. 

Denver Academy Gala

Denver Academy’s annual gala fundraising event celebrates the community and supports DA’s Tuition Assistance Program. This annual event is held in the spring at a location to be announced each year. The gala benefits the Denver Academy Tuition Assistance Program which supports nearly 30 percent of students.

The Denver Academy community comes together for an evening that includes online and live auctions, as well as fantastic food and fun! DA's 2025 Gala, Masterpiece in Bloom, will be held on April 26, 2025 at the Denver Art Museum. Visit the Gala website for details

Find Us

4400 E. Iliff Ave. Denver, CO 80222
Main/Attendance: 303.777.5870
Admissions: 303.777.5161


Denver Academy is an independent private school for grades 2-12 located in Denver, CO. DA inspires and empowers a diverse group of learners through student-centered, differentiated, and transformative education.
© 2022 Denver Academy. All Rights Reserved.