DA Junior Named Colorado State Thespian Officer for International Thespian Society
Congrats to DA Junior Gia G.P. who was recently named as a Colorado State Thespian Officer for the International Thespian Society (ITS), the only theater society for middle and high school students. Students from all over Colorado applied for this position. After an intensive interview process, Gia was one of 10 students selected.
As part of her responsibilities, she will represent the youth voice at select thespian events, teach and be an ambassador at the annual Thescon educational theater conference, and work alongside the adult board at ITS. Gia is also vice president of Denver Academy's ITS Troupe #6580.
4400 E. Iliff Ave. Denver, CO 80222 Main/Attendance: 303.777.5870 Admissions: 303.777.5161 General: info@denveracademy.org
Denver Academy is an independent private school for grades 2-12 located in Denver, CO. DAinspires and empowers a diverse group of learners through student-centered, differentiated, and transformative education.